Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Pratik South Asia Special : Three poems by Pakistani-British poet Moniza Alvi


Moniza Alvi

Three Poems

from Fairoz : A book-length sequence of poems in which a schoolgirl Fairoz has been drawn to extremism and has become involved with Tahir, a man she has met online



The eye


O hardware shop.

O faithful eye –


has it seen anything unusual?

The hardware shop is dark


and so closely forested.

How can the recording eye see?


But it does. It’s well-trained.

The forester is quick and deliberate.


The hammers are ranged like

strong-beaked birds


on the bristling wall-rack.

A claw hammer, that’s it.


And a club hammer.

Drops them into the open cage


of his basket. Adds long nails.

Hurries to the wooden counter.


Something not right? He’s too

intent, no glancing around.


Someone wants to hammer a nail

through the universe.


Does the eye weep?

The eye is dispassionate.




She’s heard nothing from Tahir


‘Speak Soon’. That’s what he said.

‘Speak soon love you Fairoz.’


And now she  


              cuts herself on the ice of waiting

              cuts herself on the ice of not knowing

              cuts herself on the ice



Call him three times


Tahir? said the woman in the wood.

Who’s Tahir? Oh you mean Abdul.

He’s really Abdul. Sometimes

Anwar. Names are a risk.


I don’t think you’ll see him,

not for a while. Maybe

not in this life.

He was always careful,


so skilled at

covering his tracks.

But it’s hard

to hide in these woods.

Don’t despair. Inshallah,

no one needs be lonely here.

Friendship, marriage –

just footsteps away.


But try calling him now.

Three times, once for each name.

Abdul – Anwar – Tahir.

He’ll answer, if he hasn’t moved on.


Moniza Alvi was born in Lahore and grew up in Hertfordshire. Three of her collections The Country at My Shoulder, Europa and At the Time of Partition, have been shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot Prize.

Moniza received a Cholmondeley Award in 2002.



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