Pure Thought
At that same moment to plunge faces in the lake,
from two liquid palms
baptize each other with pure thought
I would follow you even to death
And beyond
Pure thought is a white church on a green meadow
and a fresco of the Last Supper inside
It leaks through walls, leaks through stained glass, leaks through the blood
when trembling serves a Solemn Mass
It resembles the golden vessel
that was used at Christmastime
Once the lid was lifted,
arcing vapours showed the way to Damascus
Come, we’ve been invited to build a transparent cathedral
A circle of skulls demands
that we mature to the work that is proper
Come, the corn ears have plunged in the light of pure thought,
they go weak at the knees from love
Even to death
And beyond
Translated from the
Slovak by John Minahane
Dana Podracká studied psychology at Comenius U. A poet and essayist, she also writes for children. Her 1st book, Moon Lover, won the 1981 Ivan Krasko Prize. She has published 13 collections of poetry, most recently Paternoster (2018). Her essays focus on collective injuries, the philosophy of survival and symbols. She is interested in the metaphysical space of the soul. Winner of the Hilary Tham Poetry prize and Mark Linenthal Award,
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